Friday 25 July 2014

Developing a PPC Bidding Strategy? The Basics Matter : Episode 17

Episode 17 : Developing a PPC Bidding Strategy? The Basics Matter

Advertising mavens love to talk about strategy and of the nuances used to get things perfectly right. That’s great for academic discussions and perhaps a few white papers, but most people in the trenches want information that is going to help direct activity and produce positive results. This means taking a look at the basics and that is true for any PPC bidding strategy. The fundamentals are going to be extremely important....


Wednesday 16 July 2014

Anyone Interested in Saving Some Money by Being a Bit Negative? : Episode 16

Episode 16 : Anyone Interested in Saving Some Money by Being a Bit Negative? 

Advertising campaigns have to have a sharp eye focused on the budgets. Audiences have to be investigated and AdWords constructed from site URLs.  All are part of proactive strategies to build and cultivate a steady increase in the audience and visitors to the web location. Unique tactics are part of advertising and while everybody wants to think positive, there are few negative ideas that can save money and produce desired results. They revolve around the concept that Re marketing for Search is much more than a means of using search keywords for targeting audiences.

CPA Bidding Can be Even More Effective for You : Episode 15

Episode 15 : CPA Bidding Can be Even More Effective for You 

Google CPA bidding definitely has its good points but unfortunately the benefits can be very short-term. The bidding conducted will be useful but when the statistics are new then the bids have to be submitted once again. That can be the case with placements, landing pages, and any other data point that is within the given account. Data changes can disrupt things a little bit. Unlike landing pages, bids do not have a long-term life. Consequently, bids should be considered only something that will provide a brief positive result in the course of events. When that is recognized, more time can be spent on developing areas of long-term gain such as the ads, with a little less time spent on worried about bidding.


Thursday 10 July 2014

Estimated Total Conversion Packs a Profitable Punch : Episode 14

Episode 14 : Estimated Total Conversion Packs a Profitable Punch

Advertisers who use conversion tracking in AdWords now have a better tool to get a more complete understanding of the conversions that are the result of using AdWords. It is called Estimated Total Conversions and permits an advertiser to not only see daily conversions such as online sales, but also new conversion types that occur including calls and cross-device conversions.

We know from market activity that consumers don’t stand still for very long. They are all over the board and they are connected to any number of devices with which to shop. That is great for business because it means that a person isn’t restricted to walking into a store or using a PC to make a transaction. At the same time, it can be a maddening experience. The same consumer that starts a purchase on a mobile application could easily finish it on a tablet. This can get very confusing particularly during holiday shopping seasons. What is great about estimated total conversions is that it offers the opportunity to better understand consumer behaviors with some insights that are derived from such activity. It can clearly have a positive benefit for measuring the results of any campaign, or period of activity.


5 Ways to Conquer a PPC Campaign : Episode 13

Episode 13 : 5 Ways to Conquer a PPC Campaign

No matter how the strategy is designed for an AdWords account campaign, there are going to be revisions made. The market and consumer tastes change, many times without warning. It is an understandable temptation to make radical changes to better adapt, but it might not really be necessary. Within existing campaigns there are points of light where immediate figures can be generated that increase the bottom line. Account managers must be willing to look back a moment before just surging forward.
